The story behind homelessness is something that rarely gets shared, but a chance meeting last week gave Allyson the opportunity to do just that, and re-affirm why we are so passionate about the importance of giving back:

“One day last week when it was pouring with rain, I had parked in the Aldi car park on Union Street and saw a young lady in her early 20’s sat outside of Dance Academy. She was not dressed for the weather, soaking wet, cold and dejected – her dog was sat beside her looking just the same.

“I spoke to her as I went past and she asked if I had any change. After talking to her for a while I found out that she had worked her way up from West Cornwall to get away from an abusive relationship – she didn’t go to a refuge because she couldn’t take her dog with her and she couldn’t get emergency B & B via the council for the same reason. She had lost touch with family and friends over the years of being in this controlling relationship so she felt that there was no-one for her to turn to.

“I had quite a few clothes in the car boot that I had planned to take to a charity shop. I offered her to take whatever she needed and she gratefully took the coat, boots and a couple of other items. My dog’s coat was also there and as she refuses to wear it I offered that too – this ladies dog was not nearly as awkward as mine and after being dried off was quite happy to wear it. I took her to get some food and drink for herself and her dog, and bought some new underwear as well as some toiletries.

“Because of the nature of her problems she didn’t want her name or photo to be used (or her dog’s) as she was very scared of being found. She wasn’t sure if she was going to stay in Plymouth or keep moving – she said she wanted to find a place where she could feel as if she was far enough away from her troubles.

“When I left, I gave her the address of a pet food and supplies shop that is owned by a very close friend. I said that if she was in need of anything for her dog then this lady would able to help her with anything and we would pay the bill. I sincerely hope she takes me up on the offer.

“This was only one small act of kindness showed to another simply because I decided to talk to this lady rather than walk past and in doing so I learnt the real story behind her homelessness. And this is why feeding the homeless is one of our give back options with every purchase made, because everyone has a story that deserves to be listened to and in 2017 no-one deserves to be hungry.”

The Robin Hoods Team